Friday, October 28, 2011

When mommy gets an idea.......

 Since I was very young I always thought about ways of how I would start traditions and the fun stuff I would do with my kids to make the holidays extra special.
Here is one of my fun ideas....

I had been wanting to do this for a couple of weeks and finally  I painted a pumpkin and cat face on her.
She had just had her dinner and it was her usual bath time when I remembered to do this before she was in the tub already :) I started by painting her little belly as a pumpkin and she was just enjoying the tickles and watching in delight. She was doing so good without touching and getting it everywhere that I decided to paint a kitty face on her. I then dressed her in the cuttest leggings, bloomers and headband for a small photoshoot. She was such a sport and never did she complain.

 At one point she got so excited and started running around the entire livning/dinning room area and I was able to capture this pretty cool picture of her running and she is the only fairly clear image that showed up. After our shoot into the bath tub she went into perfectly warm water where she played with her many water toys for at least thiry minutes and she fell asleep in my arms within 10 minutes after her bath.

Hope you enjoyed these pictures because we sure enjoyed taking them

<3 Brenda

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Dad, My Hero turned 50 and this is how we celebrated him

My dad turned 50 yesteday and we had a Mexican themed celebration a couple of days before. This party theme was a hit and all that dresses according to the theme looked great especially the kids were just adorable.

We planned this party in just one month and everything turned out great, my dad had no idea what we were planning. All the food was home made tamales, tinga, chiles rellenos, rice, beans, salads soooo delicious.

My dad showed up before anyone altough we told him not to show up till later and his excuse was "I was starving and didnt want to wait any longer" yup thats my dad. Even though he showed up early he still didnt know what we were celebrating until guests started showing up and congratulating him on turning 50, it was too funny that look on his face.

we had a great time and so did Chyanne.


My parents and Chyanne - they are so cute and very much in love even after 26 years of marriage. My mom made her skirt and I had my dads sombrero waiting for him when he showed up
Chyanne was wearing a traditional Chacha dress that was made and brought to her from Mexico by her Cia Jenna (her aunt) She looked adorable and with a personality to match.
This is me and my sister Rocio :) we were both wearing traditional Mexican shirts that a friend brought from Mexico for us especially for this party.
Look who is that ... the birthday boy who showerd up to his suprise birthday party before the guests arrived because "he was too hungry" he was suprised alright lol
Here are my little cusins and my Chyanne-
From top left Janeli, Janice, Jimena, Chyanne and Jaylinn
WOW! just noticed that all of them have names that start with a J besides Chy... Chyanne was so excited that she couldnt sit still for a picture
See told you
Here is birthday boy enjoying a big nice meal. I am so glad that we were able to pull this party for him because at 50 years old this is his VERY FIRST EVER birthday party. I know this was very special to him.
Here are the cutest little senoritas
Jaylinn and Chyanne
were the life of the party
We managed to get a family picture of us and i think we look pretty good even if I am the only one looking at the camera
Little Jaylinn who is 18 moths old (4 older than Chy) was happy to wear the sombrero while Chy wa petrified of it.
We all had a great time and I have to say that I with of course a lot of help from the best family and friends put together 3 parties in two months. I love party planning :)
and with that the day was over - Chyanne was sooooooo tired because it is very hard work to entertain people.

Love <3Brenda

Friday, October 14, 2011

Pumpkin Patch Day

I had been telling Bren that I wanted to take Chyanne to the pumpkin patch this year. This was her first time ever at a pumpking patch. It was a beautiful sunny but cool Sunday morning, a perfect day for the pumpkin patch. This awesome patch was recomended to us by some friends and we agree it was pretty neat with lots and lots of pumpkins, ponies for kids to ride, chickens, goats, pigs and a little pond.

Chyanne was asleep when we pulled up and parked, she was asleep as we took her out of her carseat, she was asleep as Bren held her and walked up to the entrance where we talked to her to wake her up.... as soon as she opened her eyes and saw what awaited he, her eyes opened wide and a gasp escaped her mouth and she squirmed until daddy put her down and off she went to her first pumpkin patch adventure.......... she looked back to make sure that we were following.

she walked right to the very large pumpkins and she looked around in awe not knowing what they were.

Daddy showing Chyanne the pig which we named Mr. Oink.

She was baby talking loudly as the goat approached her and we named him Mr. Grass

She was closer to the gate but as soon as she saw Mr. Grass getting closer she hurried back to daddy it was the cutest and sweetest thing ever.

we walked over to the ponies and we sat her on one and waited to see if she would freak out and be too scared but to our delight she was a trooper and ready to get the show on the road. Both her daddy and I walked along with her for a minute then she started pushing our hands away because she wanted to ride on her own... so we gave her some more space but were still right behind her (the horse's seat had a belt attached to it)

here daddy showing her the chickens

She then chose her baby pumpkin and this huge one. She loved being pulled in the wagon that we had a hard time getting her out at the end of our family adventure.

it was such a sweet thing to see our baby girl running around with her pumpkin in hands, wide eyed and giggling. WE WILL BE MAKING THIS A FAMILY TRADITION.

<3 Brenda

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Loving this time of the year and the fact that my little girl lets me dress her how i want.

Here is what we wore the last couple of days....... Forget what I wore...LOOK at my girl she looks adorable and she knows it. She has a great personality and she knows how to use it. The weather here has been crazy hot one day and super cold the next.....


Love <3 Brenda