I left of around Halloween last year so the holidays were next
We had the wonderful AllisonClaire do a photo shoot for our christmas card this year. We went out to the orchirds here in our are but we went a week too late because all of the beautiful white little flowers had fallen. However that did not make the picturtes any less beautiful. We have a close relationship with Alli because well besides the fact that she dated my little brother for over a year she was there for our 3D ultrasound and took our maternity, newborn, nursery, hospital, mommy and me pictures, birthday shoot and now our christmas ones too.
I love these pictures and believe they will great to look back on when she is older.
A little side note: I always use pictures on invitations and cards because I like that our family and friends keep them and dont just toss them away because there is a picture on them.
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