My fist ever Ultrasound.
Jan 22, 2010
6 weeks

I had my first ultrasound a couple of days ago.
My husband got to the appointment a little late. The Dr. was in a bit of a hurry so she saw me before my husband was there (I was upset at this) but she did tell me that she would see me again as soon as he showed up. I saw one little sack where the baby is going to start forming and the doctor talked to me for a quick second then asked if I wanted to wait for my husband in the waiting room. I walked into the waiting room and there he was (I was still very mad at him). My doctor called us back in and performed another ultrasound and my husband was amazed by this. The doctor kept looking around and said this "It looks like there might be another sack but it looks empty, you will have to wait until your next appointment.
So there is a slight chance of twins.
we will find out for sure in four looooooong weeks.
p.s. about my husband being late.... I did tell him that if he was ever late again I would not let the doctor re do an ultrasound for him. He better watch out with these pregnancy hormones hahah!
That is very exciting! I can't believe you have to wait four more weeks to find out if there is a second little baby. I would go crazy! :)
That is so exciting! Can't wait to find out if it's twins!
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